
Scale Your Small Business One Growth Hack at a Time

Bigger doesn’t always mean better… but in this case- it does. With over 30 million small businesses in the U.S. and 1.3 million in Florida alone, distinguishing your business from the rest can be a challenge. However, Guy Israeli, the co-founder of Solomoto, shared 5 simple ways to scale your small business. Solomoto is a digital platform that “collects all the fundamental tools that a business needs to grow and bridge his activity from the offline to the online world.”


Based on Israeli’s expertise, here 5 basic tips to scale your small business:

1.Gain Honest Feedback

The most important thing for small business owners is your circle of trust, more specifically, your friends and family.  How would they describe your business? Do they fully understand its purpose and premise?  Get them together, and ask them to assess your online presence. This kind of support can boost your confidence, as well as help you identify weak points early on.

2. Meet your neighbors

Try form strategic partnerships with other local businesses. Utilize co-marketing strategies, bundle promotions and referrals to expand your potential customer base. For examples, check out this article.

3. Love what you do and share your passion

Share your journey and explore your creative skills. Document your business’s progression with photos, journals, and even a blog. Use social media to publicize this journey and connect your customers with your narrative.

4. Think Creatively

Your business will distinguish itself by being the most effective at solving a specific problem. For example, in order to make healthy, warm dinners more accessible for busy families a private chef created a subscription-based model for delivery orders.

5. Practice Marketing Automation

After the aforementioned steps are complete, create and schedule a cohesive marketing plan. This will save you all kinds of time, and there are platforms that can help you optimize social media presence on 5 platforms at once. It’s a one-time setup for continuous results.



In the words of Israeli, “That’s the concept of growth hacking, you need to stand out. You need to stand out from all your surroundings and be just a little bit better”